Wilmington, DE
We’re Excited to Meet You
In December 2017 Commitment Church, through God’s sovereign grace, inherited Crossroads Church who was enduring a very difficult season.
Throughout 2018 we attempted a soft merge by retaining the Crossroads name and some of its nine years heritage. At this time we now believe it’s time to allow Crossroads Church as we have known it to come to an end. This has not come without much sacrifice by all involved Nevertheless we further believe that our work in Wilmington, DE is not over but we will prayerfully move forward as Commitment Church of Wilmington (Wilmington Campus).
Please stay tuned for our next steps as we transition from Crossroads to Commitment.
If you would like to be a part of our exciting future as a Church planter please contact us here info@1ccchurch.org.
Here are our Next Steps
• Rest and Restoration – This is vital in the overall physical, emotional and spiritual care of God’s people.
• Regroup — This will allow us to continue leaning on each other for strength and encouragement while enjoying a life of fruitful service within the local Church.
• Recruit — This will allow us to establish and wait on God to send a team of Planters who are called to serve Wilmington, DE.
• ReFocus — This allows the future Church Planters to develop relationships while they personally prepare, pray and seek God’s wisdom and plan for His Church and Wilmington, DE.
• Replant — This is when our Church Planters are sent to Wilmington, DE to see where God is moving, while opening doors to establish relationships and begin engaging the community through consistent weekly acts of service.
• Relaunch — This is when we start our launch which normally begins with a “Soft Launch” and culminates into a “Hard Launch”. Here we are open to however God designs His Church for His Harvest!