KIDZ NIGHT OUT K.N.O. is our evening program for our HizKidz children, ages 4yrs-6th grade. Please bring your child so they may join us for fun, fellowship, and engaging lessons from the Word of God! Visit our website at
VBS Volunteer Sign Up If you're interested in volunteering for VBS, please sign up on our website at
KIDZ NIGHT OUT K.N.O. is our evening program for our HizKidz children, ages 4yrs-6th grade. Please bring your child so they may join us for fun, fellowship, and engaging lessons from the Word of God! Visit our website at
KIDZ NIGHT OUT K.N.O. is our evening program for our HizKidz children, ages 4yrs-6th grade. Please bring your child so they may join us for fun, fellowship, and engaging lessons from the Word of God! Visit our website at