Special Occasions

It’s our privilege to serve you!

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If so, please let us know how we can support it.
Would you like someone from the church to attend?

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Child's Name
Child's Birth Day
Mother/Parent/Guardian's Name
Father/Guardian's Name
Grandmother's Name
Grandfather's Name
1st Godparent's Name
(if applicable)
2nd Godparent's Name
(if applicable)
Would you like one of Pastors to attend your special celebration following the service?

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Will the wedding take place at Commitment Church?
Have you completed pre-martial counseling by one of our pastors?
Please give one or two names.

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Where will the funeral be held?
Funeral home contacts, addresses, etc...

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Join us on Sunday at 9:00 AM or 11:00 AM where we will have an encouraging message, kid’s church your children will never want to leave, and perhaps the best church community in Lindenwold, NJ.