Biblical Fast Part Two: Three Types of Fast

by | Oct 6, 2017 | pastorsthoughts

The Scriptures provide many reasons for a “biblical fast”. In summary all reasoning for fasting should inevitably draw us closer to Christ and assist in the fulfillment of His own purposes in and through us—personal transformation.

Yet the question lingers: How should we fast?

I have personally identified three types of biblical fasts. They are: Standard Fast: No food, only water or liquids. In Matthew 4:2 we find Jesus being tempted in the wilderness while He fasted for 40 days with only water. Then there’s the Partial Fast: No Choice Foods or meats. At their own requests, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abendigo in Daniel 1: 8-16 refrained from eating anything but vegetables and water. And the Total Fast: No food or drink. In Exodus 34:28 and Acts 9:9, Moses and Paul didn’t eat food or drink.

Now, what I don’t see within the Bible is fasting through some other means. Today I hear some Christ Followers say things like:

“I’m fasting from television.”

“I’m fasting from secular music.”

“I’m fasting from social media.”

This is admirable, but I’m sure it’s obvious that these and the many other creative fasting options we’re drawn to were never mentioned in the Scripture. In my humble estimation they are but the avoidance of the necessary—we can’t do what we want and even need to do—eat!

Nevertheless, true biblical fasting is the avoidance or the denial of food. Yes, it’s true that we should, as we’re fasting, prohibit ourselves from participating in other extracurricular activities. This further helps focus our heart, soul, and mind on Him (Christ) who gives us true strength for godliness and good deeds. Yet, fasting from food denies us of our natural fleshly right—eating. Thus if we can avoid eating through the power of the Holy Spirit, what more (sin) can we likewise be strengthen to abstain from?

So, however the Spirit of God directs you, do it (fast) with great confidence knowing that you will be drawn closer to Christ and He will begin to fulfill His own purposes in and through you!


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