Fear – Day 6 of 7

by | Jan 28, 2018 | Bible Reading Plan

John 15:3-5

3 You have been made clean already by the teaching I have given you. 4 Remain united to me, and I will remain united to you. A branch cannot bear fruit by itself; it can do so only if it remains in the vine. In the same way you cannot bear fruit unless you remain in me. 5 I am the vine, and you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will bear much fruit; for you can do nothing without me.

Are you eager to serve God, but fear you can’t? With him, you can do many great things of lasting value. Read John 15:3-5 and let God’s vision for you grow.

Getting the most from God’s Word

As you embark on this Journey, here are four steps to invite God’s Word to challenge and encourage you.

  1. Pray

    Pray with focus and openness to see what God has for you. God, connect with me here, as I seek You in your Word.

  2. Read

    Read the selected section of scripture slowly. Take note of intriguing words and phrases. Read them a second time.

  3. Reflect

    Reflect on what strikes you as you read. What does this passage of Scripture teach you about God’s values?

  4. Respond

    Respond to the passage. Speak to God directly about what’s on your mind and hear. Look for ways to live out what you’ve uncovered.